Sunday 27 March 2016

Love Horoscope for the Week of March 28

weeklyloveAfter two Eclipses in the last month, many of us need to pause and reflect upon the state of our lives. Rather than the potential egotism of the Sun or the moodiness of the Moon, what may be called for is a little rational thought, and that’s where Mercury comes in. Mercury performs vital functions such as logic and communication, but frankly it doesn’t get nearly the press that most of the other planets do. Everyone worries about a Saturn transit, but why get in a dither over Mercury?

This week, Mercury gets three very strong and important aspects from other planets, and this could be your chance to think your way out of a perilous situation, or to use your brainpower to put yourself in a better position with something or someone. All three transits are in effect throughout the week — even though they happen in the middle of it — so take the time to sit down and think your way through things.

Mercury trine Saturn, which is exact on Tuesday, gives us all the opportunity to use reason and put concepts to practical use, and quite possibly get permanent results from them. If your ideas, work habits, or communications need a little discipline, now is the time to apply some mental elbow grease.

Mercury conjunct Uranus (exact on Thursday) has a very different effect than the Saturn transit, but when the two aspects are combined, incredibly useful results can happen. Uranus brings a spark of genius, creativity, and originality to your mental workings, and that just may be what you need right now.

Of course, I wouldn’t be doing my job as an astrologer if it was all good news, would it? On Wednesday, stuck between those two very constructive transits, is Mercury square Pluto. Mercury square Pluto also makes for powerful thoughts, but in a far less polite or constructive way than the Uranus transit will tend to do. Yes, this week Mercury may help you come up with an original idea, and it may give you the inspiration you need to make it brilliant… but the intellectual forcefulness of Mercury square Pluto might transform your harmless science project into Frankenstein’s monster. As with all things, be aware of your real motivations.

Be particularly careful of deception on Friday. Not only is the Moon Void of Course for almost the entire day, it’s also April Fool’s Day. You’ve been warned.

Finally, the Moon is in Aquarius for date night on Saturday and Sunday. Aquarius isn’t usually thought of as a terribly romantic sign, but it’s excellent for socializing… and that’s often how a great romance begins.

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