Sunday 6 March 2016

Love Horoscope for the Week of March 7

weeklyloveNormally it’s my job as a responsible communicator of astrology to tell everyone to settle down and not panic whenever there is an Eclipse. This time around though, I’d like to alarm you — just a little, and for your own good.

As you may have heard by now, there is a Solar Eclipse on Tuesday at almost 19 degrees Pisces. Any Eclipse energizes that point in your birth chart and is sensitive to transits until the next set of Eclipses, and is especially noteworthy if it closely aspects any of the major points in your birth chart. You see, that magical 19 degree Pisces point is already getting a square from transiting Saturn, and will be getting that challenging aspect off and on for the next few months, and again at the end of the year when Saturn passes 19 degrees Sagittarius.

It would be unkind of me though to simply scare you and then walk away. There is hope! You see, a Solar Eclipse is just a particularly powerful New Moon. New Moons are the best time to sit down and rethink things in your life and set some solid, achievable goals for yourself. So in fact this Eclipse — fueled in part by a close opposition from Jupiter — is actually a chance for you to figure out what’s been making trouble for you in your life the last couple of months and do some course corrections now. See? That wasn’t fatalistic at all! You’re welcome!

(Now, having said that, this particularly applies to you if you were born in the 1963-1967 range, since it’s messing with your Uranus and Pluto, or if you were born in 1984-1986 and it’s crunching your natal Uranus. And if you were born in 2001-2003… well, life is tough enough as a teenager as it is, so I won’t scare you with what this is all doing to your natal Pluto. Rest assured, you’ll be fine.)

As for the rest of the week? Mars is in the first few degrees of Sagittarius. Everyone’s restless. Try not to spout off your opinions to the boss at a bad moment, okay?

Part of the solution to your issues might be finding someone whose arms you can fall into and sob for a bit. Lucky you, Venus enters the Sign of its exaltation (Pisces) on Saturday! Both your romantic impulses and those of others are likely to be elevated at some point between now and early April. Getting out and being sociable this weekend is definitely advised if you want to improve the state of your love life, find someone, or just dust off your charm skills.

Finally: if you want Fate to be on your side with your love life, circle the weekend of March 26-27th… Easter Sunday to many of you. Not only will Venus be sextile Pluto then, but will also be passing over that Eclipse Point at 19 Pisces.

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