Thursday 31 March 2016

Ptolemaic Aspects vs Signs Aspects

A few example situations:

It is a Sun- Mercury conjunction in Aries if the sun is 3° and mercury is 27°?

It is a opposition if saturn in sagittarius 1° opposes moon in Taurus 29°?

It is a trine if venus is in pisces 28° and Jupiter is in Leo 1°?

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Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of April 1, 2016

Your mind is racing and as soon as you settle on one thought, another pops up. It’s a pity to lose these diamonds, so rather than rely on your memory, write everything down. Then, in a quiet moment sift through your notes and consider your next step.

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Wednesday 30 March 2016

Three Ways to Deal With a Difficult Uranus Person

Credit: SbytovaMN via iStockphoto

Credit: SbytovaMN via iStockphoto

If you’re involved with a Uranus person, their detachment and independence can make you question if they even want to be in a relationship. Many Uranus people are able to successfully integrate their desire for space with their proximity to another human being. They can be the most loyal partners. Their detachment is a healthy part of their individuality, not an expression of their fear of commitment. But if they don’t have an appropriate outlet for the volatile energy in their lives, getting close can feel like trying to embrace an electrical current. Read on for strategies on how to deal with a difficult Uranus person.

1. Give Him His Space

This one is obvious, but many people forget it when they struggle to make a connection with their Uranus partner. The initial connection (the first month or so of the relationship) is incredibly intense. Your Uranus partner is fascinated with you. Everything is off-the-charts hot. But one day, you wake up and he’s not there. He may be there physically, but you can’t shake the feeling that mentally and emotionally he’s somewhere else. You try to reconnect, and he pulls away. You panic, and try harder. He pulls further away, and perhaps he abruptly ends things. What happened?

The difficult Uranus person may have a series of sudden attractions followed by sudden breakups. The initial surge of fascination he feels can switch off, as his baseline way of relating (from a distance) reasserts itself. If you want to be in a relationship with him, that’s the first thing you’ll have to accept: his comfort zone lies a few steps back from everyone else. He’ll perceive your efforts to re-establish intimacy as a threat.

What can you do? Absolutely nothing. If you sense that he’s starting to pull away, just let him. He may or may not come back, but scrambling to reestablish those bonds is guaranteed to keep him away. If he does come back (this can happen — Uranus is unpredictable) it will be because he senses you’re not going to smother him. Then be prepared for a periodic on/off in the flow of his affections. And while you’re at it, if you have any jealousy issues, you’ll have to deal with them. Not only will he be intolerant of your insecurities, he won’t understand them. If not hearing from him for a couple of days puts your suspicions into overdrive, or you can’t stand the fact that he’s friends with his ex, you’re going to run into difficulties. Demanding that he check in with you or end the friendship will have the opposite effect. He’s not necessarily cheating on you, but he is doing what he wants, and that’s his non-negotiable commitment to himself. Know that even if he loves you, part of him will not be comfortable with deep bonding sessions or hugs that go on for hours. When you get upset and he coolly watches you as you break down in tears, getting more upset won’t trigger his empathy.

Maybe the above approach goes against every fiber of your being. You deserve someone who’s able to feel and you’ll be damned if you’re going to turn yourself inside out to accommodate him. That’s fair. Just know that he’s not the guy for you. But if you do attempt to make it work with him, this doesn’t mean you’re sitting around waiting for him to reconnect. You’re busy living your life, of course. Finally, it’s possible that he simply cannot sustain a relationship. Any type of emotional connection freaks him out, and no matter how much space you give him, he’ll always demand more. If this is the case, you may need to walk away.

2. Make Room for Restlessness

Uranus is the planet of change and liberation. If your partner does not have a handle on this, the energy will build up inside of her until it’s released, via behavior that triggers “excitement” in the relationship. Usually, this means disruption, and sometimes destruction. She may do and say things that upset you, just to see how you’ll react. Or, she may not care how you react. She lives for the new and erratic, because stability means she’ll have to sit still long enough to deal with her uncomfortable feelings and memories. Unless you too have a lust for constant upheaval, this can be like trying to have an adult relationship with a bored child.

You can try suggesting new and exciting activities to do together. But this doesn’t always work, because she may view any suggestions as an attempt to control her. So really, all you can do is make allowances for her restlessness. Don’t insist on hours of snuggling on the couch when it’s clear that she’s vibrating with the need to do something.  Don’t get offended if she’s bored by the quiet evening you had planned. How she releases her energy is her call, but it’s important that you maintain boundaries. Let her know that it’s hurtful when she does disruptive things. And of course, it’s your call on how much you’re going to put up with.

3. Reconsider the Rule Book

You were drawn to your Uranus partner because there was something different about him. And he was drawn to you for the same reason. He can sense rigid traditionalists a mile away, so if he’s with you, it means you have a streak of nonconformity. When he makes it clear that he never wants to get married or live together, don’t try to “work on him” in hopes that he’ll eventually propose or cohabit. Or, maybe he has some truly odd habits that you’re not sure you can handle. Maybe he wants an open relationship. You’ll have to decide if you can live with his version of the partnership or not.

While he’ll never conform to your rules, know that you shouldn’t break your rules, either. If monogamy is non-negotiable for you, and he wants to explore, he’s not the partner for you. If you’ve always dreamed of the white wedding, or sharing a cozy home, you shouldn’t give them up just to make him happy. For all his unconventional ways, he’s also extremely stubborn — you can’t wear him down or change him.

Related: The Detached Lover: Aspects Between the Moon and Uranus in the Natal Chart

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Tuesday 29 March 2016

looking ahead

obviously i am only aware of the most elementary concepts of (what i guess is called modern) astrology. as a developer, discussed earlier, my overt criticism of “astrological practice as known to me” is the lack of “time as a dimension” -

what i mean is, if you only know how to read a column, you check your favourite every day, and perhaps they talk about planets in signs. you can look up your chart for a period on some sites.. or return a numeric rating per the # of aspects for each day within a period of days.. as a developer, i was attracted to the idea of a circular display that lets you “spin the planets around” and play with time to find auspicious dates. i’m a bit bummed that this is apparently an expensive feature, as i will have to develop it myself if i want to see it (i don’t “do” a budget for software..).

now reading on this forum, it seems as if vedic astrology concerns itself more than western practice about finding dates, periods that are appropriate or unappropriate for endeavours and such.

or am i missing something? what areas of astrology that perhaps i haven’t clued into, are concerned with identifying energised/auspicious, inauspicious occasions?

i must qualify my query as casual, i don’t mind having a scribble with methods, but ultimately my investigations are relaxed because i prefer to keep authority for “what happens” more with myself.. which is something my present circumstances are depriving me of, having to wait for this and that..

i’m sitting here and thought i’d cast a horary, “what am i waiting for?” (in the sense that life seems to be requiring that i wait for the time being) recent life events have put routines on haitus. so i have lots of time for feeling “out of sorts” with what is happening in my life… and talking on astrology forum……

i also expect such techniques may be not openly shared in some cultural mileus, you know how it goes, let’s keep the little people ignorant and powerless so the intelligentsia can take advantage of them. but i’m still going to ask and see what people say :)

i’m not good at horary, and not really bothered by it.. :p for fun/discussion, cast from tucson, “what am i waiting for?” – i meant “what” more like.. the article or event i am anticipating, not “what” like “why am i waiting..” casual analysis, with moon in IV and sun in VIII is “i’m waiting because my domestic life is changing,” which kind of covers both of those ..

in the desert, waiting for the reign.. or rein? :p

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Monday 28 March 2016

Hexagram 22 • Grace / Adornment • Pi

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The Image of Mountain over Fire


I Ching image hexagram 22, Grace

Form follows function.

What we wear is not our soul.
Our clothes are symbols of decoration we choose that reflect our position in society.
Show your inner beauty with tranquility.
Cultivate the ability to enjoy life with grace and elegance.
The brightness of fire illuminates the still mountain
creating images we call art.

Form follows function.


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7 Dating Mistakes You're Making, According To Love Psychic Deborah Graham

Psychic Deborah Graham has had premonitions since she was a little kid and has been advising people on their love lives for over 20 years. In her new book, Get Your Head Out of Your App: A Psychic’s Guide to Attracting and Keeping True Love, she

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Doncaster rovers vs Blackpool, crewe vs Bradford city & stevenage vs yeovil town

Doncaster home kits- Red and white
Black pool away kits- All blue.
asc- leo 12 degree
dsc-aquarius 12degree.
looking at the charts, lord 1 is exalted, and it conjuncts pof. its antis (lord 1) also conjuncts the true node. lord 10 is making an aspect to the moon (All in favour of the asc team). In this type of charts, if pof or its antis is applying an aspect to one of the ruler, it makes the whole difference. my verdict is Doncaster wins.

crewe Alexander home kits – red and white
Bradford city away kits- All black.
asc- leo 11 degree
dsc- aqaruis 11 degree
almost the same as above except for some few difference like lord 10 being in 5th house. I see crewe Alexander winning this.

stevenage home kits- red and white
yeovil town away kits- orange (I hope am just right because I usually find it difficult in differentiating some colours) and green.
asc- leo 11 degree
dsc-aquarius 11 degree
asc team wins which is stevenage.

predictions subject to kits and objections are welcome:happy:

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Sunday 27 March 2016

Love Horoscope for the Week of March 28

weeklyloveAfter two Eclipses in the last month, many of us need to pause and reflect upon the state of our lives. Rather than the potential egotism of the Sun or the moodiness of the Moon, what may be called for is a little rational thought, and that’s where Mercury comes in. Mercury performs vital functions such as logic and communication, but frankly it doesn’t get nearly the press that most of the other planets do. Everyone worries about a Saturn transit, but why get in a dither over Mercury?

This week, Mercury gets three very strong and important aspects from other planets, and this could be your chance to think your way out of a perilous situation, or to use your brainpower to put yourself in a better position with something or someone. All three transits are in effect throughout the week — even though they happen in the middle of it — so take the time to sit down and think your way through things.

Mercury trine Saturn, which is exact on Tuesday, gives us all the opportunity to use reason and put concepts to practical use, and quite possibly get permanent results from them. If your ideas, work habits, or communications need a little discipline, now is the time to apply some mental elbow grease.

Mercury conjunct Uranus (exact on Thursday) has a very different effect than the Saturn transit, but when the two aspects are combined, incredibly useful results can happen. Uranus brings a spark of genius, creativity, and originality to your mental workings, and that just may be what you need right now.

Of course, I wouldn’t be doing my job as an astrologer if it was all good news, would it? On Wednesday, stuck between those two very constructive transits, is Mercury square Pluto. Mercury square Pluto also makes for powerful thoughts, but in a far less polite or constructive way than the Uranus transit will tend to do. Yes, this week Mercury may help you come up with an original idea, and it may give you the inspiration you need to make it brilliant… but the intellectual forcefulness of Mercury square Pluto might transform your harmless science project into Frankenstein’s monster. As with all things, be aware of your real motivations.

Be particularly careful of deception on Friday. Not only is the Moon Void of Course for almost the entire day, it’s also April Fool’s Day. You’ve been warned.

Finally, the Moon is in Aquarius for date night on Saturday and Sunday. Aquarius isn’t usually thought of as a terribly romantic sign, but it’s excellent for socializing… and that’s often how a great romance begins.

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Saturday 26 March 2016

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Friday 25 March 2016

Mars in Virgo, Moon in Cancer Compatibility

Flickr photo by badjonni via Creative Commons license

Flickr photo by badjonni via Creative Commons license

Mars in Virgo fusses and helps, while Moon in Cancer needs to mother. Together, these two will create a nurturing, anxiety-filled union. They will look after each other like no one else can, smothering any potential difficulties with a combination of targeted solutions and hugs.

Mars in Virgo must help his partner. He has this knee-jerk reaction each time he sees something that can be improved or fixed. Mars in Virgo may well be the most useful lover that his partner ever has: he’ll organize her life and do his utmost to ensure that his actions meet (and exceed) her needs, in and out of the bedroom. The downside to this is the knots he’ll tie himself up in. When he misses the elusive mark of perfection, he can be supremely self-punishing.

Moon in Cancer needs to take care of her partner. This is an instinct that arises each time she senses that her lover is uncomfortable, hungry or upset. Moon in Cancer will always mix a bit of mothering into her relationship, no matter what other dynamics exist. But she wants care and cuddling in return, because beneath her matriarchal shell is a needy child.

Mars in Virgo will make Cancer feel safe with his practical, protective actions. Moon in Cancer will sooth Virgo’s anxieties when she senses his distress at not having completed something in the correct way. But their mutual concern can breed more worry: Virgo will worry that Cancer doesn’t feel 100% secure with his efforts, and Cancer will worry because Virgo is worrying. The amount of care and feeding they’ll put into the relationship will be impressive, but they’ll have to take a step back to avoid stressing each other out.

View all the Mars-Moon combinations ››

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Thursday 24 March 2016

Does he think of me in a love way?

Does he think of me in a love way?
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Wednesday 23 March 2016

How to Know if You’re a Uranus Person

Credit: lolostock via iStockphoto

Credit: lolostock via iStockphoto

If Uranus or Aquarius energy is emphasized in your chart, you’re a loner who seeks intimacy in relationships (sometimes). Even the most anti-social Uranus person occasionally craves human contact. This is when you confront the tension between your status as a human being versus the suspicion that you’re not from this planet. Read on to find out if you’re a Uranus person, and how you can deal with this contradictory energy.

The Alien Among Us

Uranus represents the collective and liberation from group conditioning. This encapsulates the dilemma you live with every day. You are able to step back from the herd and see the bigger picture. You understand (but don’t always empathize with) everyone. That ability to intellectualize and not be overwhelmed by emotions enables you to be a friend, in the purest sense. For the most part, you don’t judge. All you ask is time and space to be yourself. You can be a humanitarian, a rebel or a bitter loner, depending on how you handle your status as someone who doesn’t quite fit in.

And it’s not that you want to fit in, but it gets frustrating when you meet someone and think that this could finally be the one who understands you — only to have him take it personally when you don’t respond the way you “should.” He thinks he’s getting a social butterfly but finds out you’re an introvert. Or, she gets offended when she senses that her lingering embraces make you squirm. The flip side of this is the possibility that your behavior is so unpredictable, your partner doesn’t know how to respond.

If one or more of the following apply to you, you are a Uranus person:

  • personal planets, 1st/7th house cusp or ruler in Aquarius
  • Uranus conjunct (within 4 degrees) any of the angles
  • Uranus in hard aspect to the personal planets, any planet in the 7th house or 1st/7th house ruler
  • multiple (more than three) easy aspects from Uranus to the personal planets
  • personal planets or 1st/7th House ruler in the 11th House

Making Peace With the Group

If you’re a Uranus person, you don’t need anyone urging you to embrace your differences. But what you may have difficulty with is your relationship to the group. And this will directly impact your one-on-one relationships. You can’t get away from the fact that Uranus is about the collective, and if you feel marginalized, disgusted with humanity, or scornful of all the traditionalists, that negative energy is going to leak into your love life. This may not be an issue: maybe you’re cool with it all. But if you’re not, know that before you can have a healthy relationship with someone, you need to make peace with the group. Humanity is fucked up, but you’re still part of it. Millions of people are cruel and stupid, but millions of other people are loving and intelligent. Even if some people don’t get you, other people will want to get to know you. And the people who love you may never fully understand you.

Even if you have a ton of friends, you’re probably an introvert. You may be a closet introvert, but at the end of the day, you’re most comfortable chilling out by yourself. Some partners will get this, and some won’t. What throws many people for a loop is the dissonance between your social skills and your desire to be alone. When you want to, you can be the social star, because you don’t care what other people think. You’re not trying too hard, you just are, and that’s very attractive. Occasionally the lightning bolt hits and you become completely fascinated with Mr./Mrs. Wow. Your electric obsession also enchants the object of your affection. Which is why it’s so confusing for your partner when the fascination suddenly ends. You can only sustain that level of intensity for so long. If you’re with a partner for a period of time and the relationship is boring or restrictive, your feelings may abruptly switch off. The passion you felt is replaced by numbness. Conversely, you may get the crazy urge to disrupt things, and so you do. The result of numbness or disruption is distance between yourself and your partner. Uranus energy kicks in to cope with boredom, discomfort or memories of trauma. It’s safer out there than it is up close. But if distance is your only coping mechanism, you can become quite lonely.

If Uranus’ energy in your chart has a healthy outlet, the on/off switch or erratic behavior may not be an issue. You can stick with someone for the long haul, provided they allow you to be you. But more difficult scenarios can occur if you’re not fully aware of how Uranus works in your life. Uranus in the 7th house means you may project that urge for freedom onto your partners: you’re attracted to unstable/disruptive people. Uranus in hard aspect to Mars can create tremendous energy, impatience and a low boredom threshold (plus a craving for risky behavior). You will need an outlet for this. Personal planets in the 11th House can make you seem like everyone’s friend, but your lover may be surprised when you don’t want to go to the party.

If you’re a Uranus person, you have a live wire running through your chart. Here are some relationship issues to be aware of:

  • be upfront about your need for alone time and personal space
  • a buildup of irritation or sudden switch to numbness is not always a sign that it’s time to end things (try talking with your partner)
  • be aware of any actions that may distance your partner
  • no relationship is going to be constantly fresh and interesting, so find healthy ways to keep yourself interested in other areas of your life

We’re all unique snowflakes, but as a Uranus person, you’re a standout. Anyone who’s attracted to you will be drawn to that vibe. You don’t have to find a way to fit in, but you do need to find a relationship that fits you (if you want one). Ultimately, the relationship that makes you happy may look like no one else’s.


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Horary Recommendations


I am looking for horary recommendations for someone who is just getting into it. I have a week under my belt, but have been practicing with a few questions I’ve had. So far I plan on reading Bonatti and maybe Mashallah’s work.

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Monday 21 March 2016

Affinity to complex computer games and ability to master them

What do you think are the main factors determining if someone is (or is able to be) good at complex computer games ?

The sign of Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/Mars?
Rising sign?
( what are the “best” and the “worst” signs, or even better – how would you order the signs from the best to the worst? )
5th house?
Any other astrological attributes?

I’m even not sure how big is the factor of being in love with computer games (or with a particular game) …
Let’s say, if someone isn’t interested much in a game or computer games in general – could it explain why he/she fails miserably at learning it even if they honestly do their best for a long time?

Then, which astrological factors would determine mental abilities required for tasks such as:
– orientation & map navigation
(for example: get to a target around various obstacles, while using a compass with target’s marker, so that you never know the distance, but only the direction,
or using a map that shows your position and the target, so that you need to instantly translate “left-down from me on the map” -> “turn south-west”)
– understanding (and remembering) or dependencies between various attributes and strengths/weaknesses in combat, damage formulas, etc.
– understanding and remembering the meaning of various items that belong in certain slots within certain tabs/views of the character “toolbox”
– understanding and remembering various skills, abilities and other attributes and their dependencies

I guess that generally air and fire signs would be the best at such kind of tasks, right?
If this is true, would someone with personal planets + Asc 100% in earth or/and water never truly enjoy complex games (or would never be good at them) ?

Just to give an example what kind of game I mean:
( though EVE Online might be even a better example )

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LIZ JONES'S DIARY: In which I speak to a psychic

Then she said something the last psychic had told me, when I had started writing my film just over a year ago: ‘Your biggest success will come from doing something overseas. This project will take off and you may have to live somewhere else. I see you

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What it's like to see a psychic

Reporter Robert Cribb of the Toronto Star and associate producer Emma Jarratt of W5 spoke to a dozen former clients who claim GTA psychics defrauded them out of hundreds and as much as tens of thousands of dollars for spells, candles and bath salts

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Sunday 20 March 2016

Love Horoscope for the Week of March 21

weeklyloveIt goes without saying that everyone who reads Sasstrology is incredibly intelligent, not to mention attractive. And of course you are all wise enough to know that one or two difficult aspects happening in a week are not enough to cause the end of the world, or bring the roof caving down on your head. Now: having said that, let’s have a look at what’s happening this week… and make sure you have protective gear on, because some of this week’s transits kind of, um, suck.

Again: the world is NOT about to end, but if it did, would you be the least bit surprised if it was on a Wednesday? This Wednesday features two major astrological events: a Lunar Eclipse, and the exact peak of Jupiter Square Saturn.

Since you survived that Solar Eclipse a couple of weeks ago, you’re bound to make it through the Lunar Eclipse that happens at 3 degrees Aries and Libra. However, you would be wise to take a look at your own birth chart and where the Aries and Libra houses are and what they rule. The next several months could see unusual events happening in those departments of your life, especially in whichever house is above the horizon in your chart that is between the 7th and 12th houses.

Keep in mind that this Eclipse is a Full Moon on overdrive, and that Mercury left Pisces on Monday and entered the aggressive realm of Aries. Words get sharper, and that all-important hang time between thinking something and saying it gets shorter.

Jupiter square Saturn is also exact on Wednesday. This aspect doesn’t happen that often, and ancient astrologers tended to treat it with a great deal of fear, spouting things about the death of kings and the end of empires and suchlike. Unless you’re having several other bad transits hit you all at once, it seems pretty unlikely anything too terrible will come of this aspect. On the other hand, it seems like a fairly bad week to start any important new ventures.

Jupiter square Saturn has a certain quality to it that reminds me of everyone’s favorite apocalyptic poem, “The Second Coming” by Yeats:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world…

Okay, maybe it won’t be that bad. Lay low and avoid the dramas of others as much as you can, and things ought to be just fine. However, if you start some important new project on Wednesday and it falls apart, you’ve been warned.

Astrological action this heavy calls for a weekend to blow off steam — but what about dating? Getting romantically involved with another human being is always risky, and frankly this weekend may do more to cloud your common sense than usual. On Friday (but in effect all weekend) Venus in Pisces is both opposite Jupiter and square Saturn. The Jupiter aspect makes for fun and wild impulses, but the Saturn square is a gigantic drag. When in doubt, play things by ear. And while you’re at it, have a drink for me: I’ve had a rough week too.

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Saturday 19 March 2016

Do I Have A Criminal Mind?

Well it’s A weird question, but I was wondering.
and how crazy am I? :devil:
this is my birth chart Attachment 58844
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Letter writer: Western astrology offers help with planetary energies, too

The article beautifully describes how Vedic astrology provides methods for harmonizing planetary influences. Unfortunately, in describing this as a “difference” between Western and Vedic astrology, it could give the impression that Western astrology

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Friday 18 March 2016

Spider-Woman, Steven Universe, Rat Queens, Bob: Non-Union Psychic: This Week …

Where will it lead? What conversations will it spark? Time will tell. For now, dig into the week’s best comics featuring Spider-Woman’s new baby, a group of foul-mouthed fantasy heroes, an unenthusiastic psychic, and a sweet kid with magical powers.

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Chapter Four: The businessmen behind a global psychic empire

We’ve been told by a former employee (see Chapter 3) that Mailland is the one who turned Duval, a small-town French psychic into an international sensation by putting her face and signature on millions of letters. Sent to the elderly, poor and sick

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Mars in Virgo, Moon in Gemini Compatibility

Flickr photo by badjonni via Creative Commons license

Flickr photo by badjonni via Creative Commons license

Mars in Virgo’s efforts to do things just so will feel restrictive to Moon in Gemini. Gemini needs multiple choices, while Virgo is threatened by ambiguity. However, both these Mercury-ruled signs thrive on information, although they use it in different ways. The sparky tension between them may create enough interest to keep them together.

Mars in Virgo has a yearning for perfection, fueled by his mastery of facts and details. He feels energized when he’s making things better for himself and his partner. Mars in Virgo’s ideal relationship would endlessly refine itself, achieving greater standards of excellence (through the perfect application of knowledge). The reality may disappointment him, but he also craves that disappointment; a relationship isn’t worthwhile if things comes too easily.

Moon in Gemini needs a constant influx of new experiences. And she needs to discuss it all with her partner. She feels safe if she can analyze and categorize her feelings, but she also needs those categories to be open-ended. Rigid boundaries make her nervous. Moon in Gemini thrives on change, which can result in shifting emotional states. For her lover, it may seem as if she flutters from one feeling to the next, never resting long enough to engage on a deep level. The truth is, deep emotional exploration makes her uncomfortable. However, she is more than willing to talk about anything.

Mars in Virgo’s earnest helpfulness may amuse Moon in Gemini, but she’ll quickly feel smothered by his insistence on the right way to do things. Virgo will be frustrated by Gemini’s constantly shifting moods. However, Mars in Virgo is always up for a challenge, and may see Gemini as someone who’s ripe for improvement. And Moon in Gemini may have her curiosity piqued by Virgo’s eccentric precision and use of information. While there will be a continuous level of irritation between them, the tension could translate to chemistry. They certainly won’t be bored with each other.

View all the Mars-Moon combinations ››

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Thursday 17 March 2016

Does somebody know about vedic numerology

i wanted to know about it like what are the numerological values of letter, lucky numbers, etc
References will help too.

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Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of March 18, 2016

Tip for the week: Take a moment to double check your facts. Things may not be as they seem. Deep space bright nebula. (photo credit:INGIMAGE). Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20. This is the week for …

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Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of March 18, 2016

Tip for the week: Take a moment to double check your facts. Things may not be as they seem. Deep space bright nebula. (photo credit:INGIMAGE). Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20. This is the week for …

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Wednesday 16 March 2016

How to Tell if a Mars in Aquarius Man or Woman Is Into You

You can’t predict who will catch Mars in Aquarius eye, or how they will respond. Each person with this Mars sign is wired in their own way. But if you do grab Aquarius’ attention, you can be certain that they are drawn to something that makes you just a bit different from everyone else.

Be Yourself

Mars in Aquarius is neither shy nor aggressive. It’s more accurate to say he’s observant, and if he’s into you, he’ll have identified that “thing” about you that’s unique. He has no interest in following the group, although he may not be an obvious rebel. If you’ve caught his eye, he’ll be friendly, forthright and bit odd. You may not be sure if he wants to be friends, or something more. But one clue is his level of intensity. When he’s into someone, he can (initially) become fixated. He’ll probably engage you in an intellectual debate, because he’s energized by verbal sparring. He’ll invite you to join him at the rally/protest (if he’s fighting for a cause). Or, he’ll want to catch a movie, or visit his favorite restaurant. There’s no formula for what Mars in Aquarius likes to do, and the activity itself may or may not be mundane. He’s more interested in getting to know you, and how you’ll respond to what he does. Also, know that he’s a geek. Whether he’s into cooking, skateboarding, drinking Scotch or building replicas of ancient Babylonian cities, he will be an extreme specialist. And he’ll want to share that with you. Don’t bother trying to act like the person you think he wants — there are no rules. What will turn him off is your unwillingness to express your opinions, especially if they run contrary to his. Mars in Aquarius wants an intellectual connection as much as a physical one, and he’s bored by acquiescence.

If he happens to catch your eye, feel free to approach him. He may be intrigued if you put the moves on him, and if he’s attracted, he’ll say yes. If he’s not into you, he’ll let you know. He is a Fixed sign, which means he knows what he likes. If he doesn’t feel that essential zing when he first looks at you, he never will. He’s not timid, he’s not biding his time, and he doesn’t need to warm up to you.

Accept Aquarius for Who They Are

Sex may happen on the first date, or it may not. Much depends on Mars in Aquarius. But if she’s not ready, don’t push her. Things will happen on her schedule. If the two of you make it past the first few dates, chances are she’s into you and will continue to be so. While she may be turned on by the unconventional, she can also be quite focused and faithful once she’s emotionally engaged. It’s a cliché to say that Mars in Aquarius is kinky; don’t just assume that she is. However, she probably will be more open than most people to sexual experimentation. What does turn her on is anything that creates intensity of sensation. She can be a detached observer in the bedroom, which will be frustrating for you and her. As much as she loves to stand back (mentally) and take notes, she longs for someone who can make her feel present in her body. Anything that surprises her will do the trick, but at the same time, she’ll have some definite boundaries about what she will and will not do.

For someone who thrives on being unconventional, Mars in Aquarius has his own habits and routines. The key is, they’re his habits, and they may be eccentric. Also, he has no problem going off and doing his own thing. He will only commit to someone who doesn’t try to mold him. Meaning, if you find his odd habits or desire for alone time objectionable, there’s going to be a problem. If you don’t believe in the cause he’s fighting for, or you don’t like his taste in music/art/wine, that’s cool. Just don’t try to limit or deny him. He may have a ton of friends, or he may be an absolute loner. Either way, he doesn’t respond well to controlling or jealous behavior. If you feel insecure about the time he spends away from you, you’ll have to deal with it. Really, he just wants to be accepted for who he is, because he’s already accepted you for who you are.

It takes a lot to push her out the door, but she will leave if you continually mistrust or attempt to control her. There will be no dramatic showdown. You may not even realize she’s on her way out until the door shuts behind her. She’ll maintain that slightly detached, friendly vibe, no matter what. But once she’s gone, she’s gone.

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time for asylum???

I wanted to ask if it’s a good time for asylum? Thanks a lot!

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Psychic prompts use of dogs in 29-year-old Ark. cold case

So he decided to think outside the box, and called Arkansas psychic, Carol Pate. “I got that she was murdered. That she was abducted and murdered.” Pate says she’s assisted in over 200 murder investigations and has never had a client as persistent and …

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Tuesday 15 March 2016

Trump vs. Clinton: How Astrology Plays Into the 2016 Presidential Race

Miller’s astrological expertise has a huge following with six million unique visitors to her website each month. She composed and analyzed the astrology charts of presidential frontrunners Clinton and Trump. The billionaire businessman has been labeled

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Astrology GIFs for the Week of March 14, 2016

Perhaps St. Patrick’s Day was intended to be a way of salvaging the horrible reputation of the Ides of March, considering that’s when treachery put an end to Caesar. Maybe everything does get easier with green beer and a lucky shamrock. But it’s better

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Monday 14 March 2016

Which planet is my third dominant?

Helloo, I was was wondering which of the four planets I have in mind is the 3rd most stronger in my chart

The Sun and Saturn are obviously the first two dominant planets in my chart, but I can’t state the third one because

Neptune is 6° near DSC but it has just two aspects, i don,t know if the square with Chiron is strong enough to consider it

Mercury and Venus are preety active in there with saturn, ASC and MC, besides mercury is in the cusp of house 2.

Jupiter seems to be dominant too, a lot of aspects but not so strong (higher orbs) and is in the cusp of house 8

And mars is like 9° near the IC but his orbs are high.

Aaaaagh I don’t know!!, the amount of dominants is too **** high D:

How do you prioritize the strenght of planets in such cases?

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Sunday 13 March 2016

Psychic Readings and Spirit Communication Night in Hickory Hills, IL 3/24/16

Aunt D’s in Hickory Hills is hosting an entertaining night of public Psychic Readings and Spirit Communication in Hickory Hills on Thursday March 24th from 6 pm until at least 11pm. This will be one of my rare Public Psychic Readings along with a

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Love Horoscope for the Week of March 14

weeklyloveCongratulations on surviving last week’s Solar Eclipse… I knew you could do it! As your reward, this week offers some very helpful aspects that (among other things) could do wonders for your love life.

Mondays usually bring restlessness, but you may notice a larger-than-average dose of early-onset Spring Fever interrupting your thoughts, thanks to Venus in Pisces square Mars in Sagittarius. A Venus-Mars aspect turns up the volume on the hormones, and the square is the least easy-to-tame aspect of them all. If you play your cards properly (and keep your wits about you) then that energy can be leveraged into romantic success.

Sometimes when your urges are surging, it’s best to just keep your mouth shut. Well, good luck with that this week! Mercury, which rules the urge to speak up, is under a lot of pressure to speak its mind regardless of the consequences. Tuesday sees the peak of two aspects to Mercury: an opposition to Jupiter and a sextile to Pluto. Pluto will lend power and punch to your words, and Jupiter might well give you the urge to shoot from the hip with your tongue. Take advantage of the bright ideas that may occur to you throughout the middle of the week, but be prudent about sharing them out loud.

This week’s transits aren’t just about rampant teenage-style longings, though. The centerpiece of the week, astrologically speaking, is Jupiter trine Pluto. Specifically, in terms of love and relationships, Jupiter is the planet that rules marriage and commitment, so you’ll have an opportunity to make and existing relationship stronger (if that’s what you’re looking for) or perhaps have a chance to find romance with one of those folks who have “looking for a committed relationship” literally or figuratively checked off on their personal ad. Remember that although the exact aspect happens on Wednesday, it’s in effect for the entire week.

Although Venus conjunct Neptune isn’t exact until Sunday, its effects will be in play through the second half of the week. Venus brings the romance, and Neptune makes it dreamier. Everyone loves that sort of thing for at least a while… but remember the warning about Mercury opposite Jupiter: your judgement may not be at its sharpest.

All of this sets a powerful stage for the weekend dating scene, especially when you combine it with the dramatic flair that Moon in Leo lends the situation. But as with so many other things in life, timing is everything. If you’re looking to start something new with someone, or make a change to the lay of the land in a current relationship, set your sights on Friday. The Moon is still in Leo for Saturday evening, but is Void of Course… so have a good time with it, but don’t expect anything new (or improved) to necessarily take root.

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