Monday 13 April 2015

Astrology is the clock of spiritual maturity: Evidence included

So in my open minded, discover whats new, way of rationalizing and understanding life, I took myself to understanding another spiritual teacher by the name of Jordan Maxwell: A 50 year long profound scholar on the occult, religion, all the underbelly and questioning everything. No he is not a satanist.

It occured to me, that Jordan, proposed that the bible is actually a story based on a story on a story that has followed since pre sumerian times; it occured to him that everything the bible was, was based on Astrology. The bible, based on a rendition of a story that predates human history.

I proposed this to be scientifically accurate myself, as I noticed with the transits which, through self analysis, research, where each planet acts as a catalyst for magnificent changes in the individual and the collective: A source of spiritual maturity to rise to the fullest, grandest evolution of the human self into becoming their full, utter complete, higher self with no fear.

I know that part through rigorous exploration into the unknown myself for 7 or 8 years. The occult, the unknown has always magnified to be a deep interest. My scorpio in the 5th house is probably more synonymous with this, but let’s not ‘Blame astrology’. No I am not a satanist, again. No I never did the ouija board. I know where my limits lie.

All I can say is it appears, through self study, self reasearch ( I am a experiential learner and a audial learner, everything else bothers me ) that Astrology now represents to me, a sort of clock. A chronological chart of influences where certain planets would have a more profound influence such as pluto and saturn and that they’re to set the stage for human spiritual rises in consciousness or these mighty ‘Dieties’ I may otherwise see them as, test and push the human to become their greatest version.

Astrology since I discovered it is only one of the profound topics I discovered which richly fascinated me, possibly being yes, my abundance of Aquarius; my 5th house and 9th house.

So I see; testify to the evaluation that by the time we enter this earth, the stage is set immediately, the rising sign would dileanate our parental upbringing, the houses and everything else plays out immediately, but why, by chance, would it happen to be all so instant, as if we were meant to have that time of birth? I surely do not believe and completely oppose, fatalism.

I have studied a case of mr Edgar Caycee where, someone who I believe intuitively, cultivated that she was his wife in some recent lifetime, where his sun sign seemed to progress from Aries to Taurus within 50 years of a single century, yes I believe in reincarnation by the way. She proposed a photo of Edgar Caycee and looking at her husband now, they were one of the same person and noticed many similarities: I have looked into research of children also who vividly remember their past lives, even a boy who lived on a island off the coast of Scotland and only a 100 miles away, recalled in that very house on that island, where, unmistakingly his parents by chance he remembered their names, did live there and much more.

So if you’re still willing to follow on this proposal or feel ‘Misguided; are digging in your heels’, there is only the profound, horrific to conventionally healthy question to how and why we start our lives the way we do: I have watched a documentary recently on ‘Wild Child’ children, the horrific immature parental abandonment emotionally, insane.

Some people even such as HP Lovecraft, would churn out of their lives, no matter how ostracized, into fictions that would last the century. There is also the phomonena on the most worst years, the best music will be made. We were made to express ourselves.

I looked also into the proposal that, we are here based on ‘Soul age’, which was fascinating. I happened to explore my past lives through a sound incurring meditation and with no forced thought, saw myself as animals, indian chieftain, rich italian men and much more bizzare things.

I am not by chance proposing that the soul somehow rose to become one of these wild children no no no. But I am absolutely certain, through research, self study and self evaluation, Astrology is not just a ‘theory’, if scientifically scrutinized, it would propose as fact.

But the question I have to ask is what people propose of the beginning of such lives, both horrific and magnificent, each lend their hand wether rich or poor to spiritual growth in some sense ( I personally don’t believe in ‘Past life karma’ )?

Evaluations? Fellow astrologers?

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