Monday 27 April 2015

Love Horoscope for the Week of April 27

weeklyloveAstrology can help you become a better person and find the best timing to initiate action in your life. But Mars is still in Taurus, and sometimes “taking action” can be difficult. That Mars placement can be better for thoughtful reflection them for making bold moves. And Venus in Gemini isn’t helping a lot with that, especially when it comes to emotional relationships. If Mars in Taurus doesn’t like to budge, often Venus in Gemini would rather think about making a love connection, or talk about it, or strategize, or basically do anything other than take decisive practical action.

Keeping this in mind, I have excellent news for you. The Moon is Void of Course during regular business hours in North and South America on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. Plan ahead to loaf around and not start anything new, and those plans will probably be a complete success! RECOMMENDED: don’t tell your boss that’s what you have planned.

Pay special attention to the moods of those close to you on Tuesday and Wednesday. Both Venus and Mars will be aspecting Chiron then, and this greatly increases the possibility of stepping on someone’s emotional toes.

Mercury enters Gemini on Thursday. The next few weeks could be a good time for coming up with some bright and innovative ideas. Mercury in Gemini is smart, but it needs to maintain its focus, otherwise its mental agility ends up a bit like a dog chasing its own tail. Try to take advantage of some of Mercury’s brilliance before it goes retrograde on May 18.

The weekend dating scene has a little something for everyone. Friday is excellent for a first date, Saturday is great for relationship maintenance, and Sunday is an emotional wild card. On Friday, Moon in Libra aspects Uranus and Pluto and can make for some real excitement with someone new, or in a new setting. Saturday, the Moon is Void of Course but still in Libra, which can make it a good time for doing maintenance work on a current relationship.

Finally: Sunday evening brings a Full Moon in Scorpio. Even people who know next to nothing about astrology get nervous when they hear the phrase “Full Moon in Scorpio,” but you shouldn’t. Sure, a Full Moon brings all sorts of aggravation and strange behavior, but you shouldn’t be worried because this one is in Scorpio. You should be worried because it is square Jupiter. This means the usual emotional Werewolf Weather of the Full Moon will be amplified, and not necessarily in a constructive way. If something in your life needs to be removed, Sunday could be a good day for that. Just don’t use a shotgun when a flyswatter will do.

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