Sunday 21 June 2015

Love Horoscope for the Week of June 22

weeklyloveThis week’s astrological conditions are a mixed bag of hurry up and wait, and take charge versus go with the flow. On the one hand, Jupiter trine Uranus is in effect and is the most dominant aspect of the week. If you find yourself in need of brilliant solutions to your longstanding problems, it could be unusually productive. There are many opportunities this week for good cheer, celebration, and new breakthroughs in your love life. The exact aspect happens on Monday, so plan for something dazzling!

That’s the good news… if you are in a hurry to make changes in your life. The not-so-good news is that Mars enters Cancer on Wednesday. Mars in Gemini was a little scattered and disorganized, but in Cancer it tends to get muted, muddled and bogged down in its feelings too much to get things accomplished. It can be a powerful placement once you get it to work for you, but it’s a bit like a mule: it will gladly pull your wagon once it has made up its mind to do so… and not a single minute before that. Don’t be too surprised if friends, loved ones and coworkers are a little more snarky than usual.

Wednesday is also the day that Chiron goes retrograde. The effects of Chiron can be subtle, and may sneak up on you. Those of you born in the mid-1960s may see in the next few months an amplification of recent power struggles as Chiron passes once more opposite your natal Uranus and Pluto. Some form of therapy or counseling could prove particularly effective.

Between the high energy of Jupiter trine Uranus and the occasional feeling that you’re swimming through emotional sludge that comes with Mars in Cancer, you’ll probably feel you need a break more than usual this weekend. The Moon is in Scorpio for Date Night Friday and Saturday, and although that placement has a bit of a reputation for being moody, the emotional intensity that comes with Moon in Scorpio can be put to productive use with positive aspects to Mars, the Sun, Neptune, and Pluto.

Want things to change with your love life? This could finally be the weekend where you are able to take charge of things and make it happen. But whatever you do, don’t save your Big Relationship Move for Sunday (unless that Big Move is a breakup): Moon in Scorpio made for sweet feelings on Friday and Saturday, but a square to Jupiter and then a conjunction to Saturn before going Void of Course could be downright chilly.

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