Thursday 15 September 2016

Natal Indicators of Divorce

There are certain natal aspects associated with divorce, but that’s not the only way they can play out. The planets involved appear to be complete opposites: one deals with the disruption of rules, and the other is all about rules. What the aspects have in common is a certain response to the pressure of commitment and tradition. If you have any of the following characteristics in your natal chart, know that awareness can mean the difference between a happy marriage and divorce.


When Uranus is in your 7th House, or makes hard aspects to your relationship planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars) or ruler of your 7th House, you have a strong drive for liberation and independence. Uranus acts like an enormous surge of electricity that switches on and off at unpredictable times. Restlessness and intolerance of restrictions is a hallmark. Often, a disruptive or shocking event in childhood created the template for your adult responses. It can be difficult to reconcile this with the stability required for a successful marriage.

Uranus will express itself via the planet it touches. Sun/Uranus will trigger abrupt expressions of ego. Moon/Uranus suggests detached and unpredictable emotional reactions, plus the need for space. Venus/Uranus is about sudden attractions and difficulty making compromises. Mars/Uranus suggests unpredictable actions that can damage a relationship. In all cases, the response to the threat of loss, restriction or pain will involve an escape, courtesy of Uranus.

Venus opposite Uranus suggests an early, abrupt separation from a loved one. As an adult, there’s a feeling that when things become unpleasant, the appropriate reaction is to create distance from the uncomfortable situation. This can happen without warning, and you (the Uranus person) feel nothing. Well, you do feel something, obviously, but Uranus triggers numbness as a survival mechanism. Distance can manifest as divorce. Sometimes, Venus opposite Uranus can indicate an attraction to exciting and disruptive partners. There’s a craving for an escape from the mundane. The resulting relationship drama and divorce is the unpleasant result.

Uranus in the 7th House can project your need for freedom, and if you’re not aware of it, you can attract distorted versions in the guise of partners who shock you. While you may be the one who’s left behind as your spouse initiates a divorce (that you never saw coming), consider if there were any red flags in the early stages of the relationship. Chances are, there was something about this person that suggested a lack of tolerance for rules and commitment. People tell you who they are when you first meet them.

All natal energy is just that: energy. It’s neutral, but if it’s not directed in a constructive way, it can turn around and bite you. Everything in astrology has two sides, and Uranus is no exception. If we start from its core concept (liberation from tradition) we can see how this might be expressed in healthy — and not so healthy — ways. The key to managing this energy is to accept that, in some area of your life, you must liberate yourself. How you dealt with childhood trauma could be an issue. The next step is finding a healthy outlet, based on the house, sign and planets involved. Venus/Uranus suggests the freedom to be creative, and relate to others in a way that honors your independence. Mars/Uranus suggests a need act freely (physical action) in a way that won’t hurt others. Once you find that outlet, Uranus’ disruptive vibe is soaked up and there’s less chance of disruption in a relationship. You can become a calmer, happier person who handles relationship stress, and attracts a healthy partner — assuming you want to get married.


Saturn is the planet of commitment, but it’s also the planet of fear and limits. In the 7th House, it can create a painful mix of intense longing for commitment and fear of being hurt. Your issues with authority, restriction and denial can be projected onto partners, so you end up with someone who is distant and controlling. Or, someone you feel safe with but don’t really love. If the relationship is not built on a mutual exchange of authority, love and happiness, divorce is more likely. Saturn in hard aspect to the relationship planets or ruler of the 7th House can also trigger these issues, but I’ve seen divorce scenarios more often with 7th House Saturn.

People google “natal Saturn in the 7th House” and come up with all sorts of horrendous articles on their “destiny” of unhappy relationships. This does not have to be the case. 7th House Saturn just means you must be aware of what you’re projecting. Go back to those Saturn themes: authority and restrictions. Take a look at the partners you’re drawn to. You’ll attract distorted versions of Saturn if you don’t own your authority in a relationship, or acknowledge your fears of being with someone you feel passion for. If you settle for the dependable partner that you don’t love, it’s a good bet that at some point things will fall apart. If you allow your partner to take control and make all the decisions, you’re putting your happiness in their hands. That never ends well. Saturn in the 7th says that you, and you alone, are responsible for your happiness in your marriage.


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