Wednesday 1 February 2017

Parazodiacs in astrology

The common view of the zodiac is there are 12 signs for each month of the astrological year (starts and ends around the 21st of each calendar month), and somehow I believe there are just 12 signs, not 13 (Ophiuchus considered one in sidereal astrology). Did you know 6 parazodiacs such as Ophiuchus can alter your charts and horoscopes? They are Cetus (Mar. 5-Apr. 5), Orion (May 5-June 5), Sextans (Jul. 6-Aug. 6), Corvus or Hydra’s “tail” (Sep. 6-Oct. 6), Ophiuchus (Nov. 6-Dec. 6) and Aquila (Jan. 5- Feb. 5), half of each one of the 12 signs are influenced by adjacent constellations by the ecliptic. It may explain my relationships with certain Geminis and Libras (I’m an Aquarius, an air sign) can differ when a parazodiac is present by the natal birth date sun’s position.

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