Wednesday 29 June 2016

How to Tell if Venus in Taurus Likes You Back

Credit: rbv via iStockphoto

Credit: rbv via iStockphoto

If you’re attracted to Venus in Taurus, don’t expect quick results. It will take her a while to decide if she’s into you. Once/if she chooses to reciprocate, she will be refreshingly unambiguous. But everything will proceed at her pace, which is to say, slow. However, like excellent wine or a gourmet meal, good things take time to develop.

The Wait

It’s not surprising that you like Venus in Taurus. She rules this sign, so she’s comfortable and sure of herself. Venus in Taurus has a quiet, come-to-me sensuality that everyone feels. But she’s also quite selective. This is one of the most self-assured planet/sign combos: she doesn’t need anyone except herself. She knows exactly who she wants, and she has a set value system. If you don’t match her wants and values, forget it.

Venus in Taurus is fine with you approaching him. Almost nothing ruffles his zen-like calm. He’ll enjoy quieter activities, probably involving nature, definitely involving food. He loves to eat (he loves anything that’s pleasurable) so you can’t miss with a good meal. Nothing fancy, though. He dislikes pretentious, overdone anything. Your drama, fussing and overthinking will turn him off. Your certainty about what you want, and your quiet comfort with your body — no matter how much you weigh — will draw him in. If he wants to go out with you, he may not say “yes” right away. If you try to push him for a date, you’ve lost him. Everything must be on his schedule. If he’s into you, he will get back to you with a confirmation. If he’s not interested, he won’t leave you hanging, because he dislikes games. But either way, you may have to wait for your answer.

If she touches you on the first date, that’s a very good clue that she’s into you. Taurus is an Earth sign, which means anything tactile appeals to her. But don’t make the mistake of thinking this means sex on the first date. Again, things will go at her pace, and she’s in no rush. She’s not shy or afraid. She doesn’t need you to take charge. She knows exactly what works for her, and intimacy is a gradual process that’s she’s very, very comfortable with. The slow buildup is what turns her on. She’s still evaluating you at this stage, deciding if you and she are compatible. She’s not into working to make the relationship work, and she doesn’t care about your future potential. She sees you as you are, right now, and that’s who she wants (or doesn’t want). If she agrees to a second date, you’re almost in. It will take her a few dates to decide. But once she reaches the point where she’s ready to have sex with you, you’re hers.

You Belong to Me

You’ll notice the phrasing of the previous sentence. Venus in Taurus is possessive. He must have things that he can see and touch, as proof that he’s secure. As unromantic as this sounds, in some ways, he considers you to be one of his possessions. Once he decides he likes you back, there’s no going back. You’ll feel the shift — he’ll assume that you and he will spend tons of time together. There will be a subtle but unmistakable vibe that he considers you “his.” He’ll do whatever he can to make you comfortable and happy, and he’ll touch you constantly. This isn’t neediness or insecurity. You’ve crossed his boundary and have been allowed into his life. He has projected his values onto you, and you are valuable to him.

How do you keep Venus in Taurus happy? It’s not complicated, because she’s not complicated. Don’t change a thing. Really, the “you” that she fell for is the you that she wants. Forever. She values calm, quiet and comfort, so once she finds someone who makes her happy, she’ll stick with that person. The end.

Well, not quite. Venus in Taurus’ suspicion of change can feel suffocating if you decide you want to progress in any area. If you get bored, she’ll take that as a threat. If you want to mix things up, she’ll take that as a threat. She can be the most stable partner you’ve ever had — she will put up with almost anything. But if you want to improve, and she feels it will change things for her, look out. She wants you to be happy, but only if it doesn’t impact her comfort. So change of any kind must be introduced very gradually. And you must make it clear that your new career/exercise regime/spiritual calling will not threaten your relationship with her. Once you make that clear, she’ll support you, as she always has, and always will.

Finally, while Venus in Taurus will put up with a lot, his deal breaker is infidelity. If you cheat on him, forget it. The warm, loving, endlessly supportive partner will be gone, replaced by a stranger who has locked the door to keep you out. You’re not getting back in, no matter what. You’ve threatened his values, and (on a deeper level) his survival, by giving yourself to someone else. He can’t stomach it.

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