Wednesday 9 September 2015

Black Moon Lilith in Libra: The Uncompromising Bitch

Transiting Black Moon Lilith represents raw female anger and sexuality. She’s currently transiting Libra, the sign of partnership, balance and social grace. This uneasy mix should stir up some interesting dynamics, since BML draws our attention to the darkness that lurks on the edges of polite society. Read on to discover what impact this transit might have on relationships.

The Demon in Polite Society

There’s discussion about how empowering Black Moon Lilith can be, with her “F*ck you” attitude and refusal to act the way a “nice” woman should. And while it’s true that she’s powerful, her rage never goes away. It’s not magically transformed into something acceptable, no matter how you approach her. She is the dark side of the mother/wife coin; the anti-mother/mistress. In the myths she’s based on, she’s either a demon or Adam’s first wife who was exiled from the garden for not submitting to him. In astrology, BML is the anger that arises from being rejected, from wanting something and not getting it, and from being subjugated/violated. She is powerful, but her power arises from what you’re not supposed to know, do, or have, especially in male/female interactions.

And then there’s Libra, who specializes in harmonious relationships. Libra is always dancing perilously close to subjugation, because of its focus on what the other person wants. Planets in Libra express their energy indirectly; assertiveness is either repressed or coated in polite wrapping. But everything that’s repressed in Libra doesn’t go away. The unacknowledged desires can ferment into a poisonous brew of jealousy, resentment and passive-aggressive anger.

So Libra plays nice and Lilith does not. What happens when the energies combine? In general, I think we may see an enhanced focus on controversy around “acceptable” behavior for women. One example is Chrissie Hynde’s statements that rape victims can be blamed for what happened (if they are dressing/acting provocatively). She blames herself for her own rape. Her statements have triggered controversy, and if we look at her chart, we see that BML has just entered her 12th House (hidden issues) and is approaching her natal Saturn (responsibility). BML is stirring up the distorted side of socially acceptable (Libra) rules (Saturn) and self-sacrifice (12th House). Not to mention hidden anger. Although it doesn’t show on the link to her chart, her natal BML is at 7 degrees Cancer, in her 9th House of beliefs. It’s not surprising that she triggered controversy with her views on the subject. Transiting BML will square her natal BML around October 2015, signifying a crisis point.

BML and You

On a personal level, if you have natal/progressed planets, angles, Nodes or BML in the Cardinal signs, Lilith will be pinging them (I use tight orbs — no more than 2 degrees). If you’re curious where your natal BML is located, check out go to the Free Chart selection and pick “Lilith” from the Additional Objects drop-down list. Cardinal signs in the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th or 8th Houses are most likely to feel this in partnerships, but any house is fair game for Lilith gender issues. For example, transiting BML aspecting a Cardinal planet in your 10th House can stir up sexual politics at work. How this shakes out for you will depend on how you deal with her energy. What you’ve suppressed (to get what you want) could be triggered. On the flip side, you could be tempted to try your hand at seduction games. Libra can be a master of the social game, and when you mix in BML’s sexual potency, you have a recipe for manipulation. A word of warning; if you tangle with Lilith, you’ll get bitten. You’re trying to dance with a demon, and her motives are destructive. It’s guaranteed that somewhere in a BML scenario is anger, or the desire for vengeance. This always ends up in tears for the instigator (you).

September 17th to September 26th is of particular note during this transit. Juno will enter Libra and conjunct Lilith, at 3 degrees. Juno represents partnership dynamics in a committed relationship. According to the myth, Juno remained faithful to Zeus (her husband) even though he had endless affairs. The wife (Juno) will collide with the mistress (Lilith). There could be a need to unite these two energies in your life — the partner who makes compromises, and the uncompromising bitch. Fortunately, there’s no better sign than Libra to do this, because it specializes in balancing both sides of the equation and creating an alchemical union.

With all this talk about Lilith’s dark side, are there any positive potentials that could come from this transit? If you can avoid the temptation to sink into vengeance, misdirected anger or manipulation, BML can empower you, via the Libra areas of your chart. Libra is where you compromise, and BML will make you aware of where your sexual or emotional compromises are unbalanced. Pay attention to where she stirs up anger, jealously or rejection. That’s where you need to correct the balance, because you may be denying something about yourself. Libra is also the sign of justice, and BML can expose a situation that is unjust, particularly if it makes everyone uncomfortable. If her energy is focused on exposing something that needs to be seen, she can be tremendously helpful. But know that not everyone will accept what she stirs up.

Black Moon Lilith’s Libra ingress occurred on August 25th, and she will exit Libra for Scorpio on May 21st, 2016.

Related: Black Moon Lilith’s Transit of Virgo

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