Sunday 20 September 2015

Love Horoscope for the Week of September 21

weeklyloveFirst of all: Mercury is still retrograde in Libra. Whatever goes wrong in your life this week probably isn’t the fault of Mercury Retrograde, but by all means feel free to go ahead and blame it on that anyway, just like everyone else is doing.

The Fall Equinox begins on Wednesday, as the Sun moves from Virgo to Libra. In the next month, the best birthday presents everywhere go from “clean and practical” to “shinier and easier to accessorize with.”

Mars leaves Leo on Thursday and enters Virgo. Think of this as a tonal shift in your drives and aggressions from “being loud and dramatic about what’s bothering you” to “precisely and carefully venting your urges by giving someone an appendectomy.” On the one hand, that’s certainly a lot more civilized-sounding than being a big ol’ Drama Queen about things. On the other hand: do the people in your life really need an appendectomy; are you the person qualified to do it; and no matter how proud you are of your shiny new steak knives, is that what they’re really used for?

There are some special considerations for the weekend dating scene this week. Normally Moon in Pisces for Friday and Saturday would be all sweet and romantic and full of soft and squishy feelings. However, this time around it coincides with a Mars-Saturn square (which is exact on Friday) and a Void Moon lasting throughout most of Saturday and well into Sunday. Yes, there are plenty of emotions to be expressed, but we aren’t talking about “lyrics to an Air Supply song” feelings so much as “Klingon Battle Poetry” feelings. Find someone you care about… then be careful with them.

The week ends with a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 4 degrees Aries/Libra. Even though this sort of thing gets called a “Blood Moon” a lot, there’s no particular reason to panic. Keep in mind all the usual precautions about others (and possibly yourself) behaing wildly during a Full Moon and everything ought to be just fine. However, if you have any placements in your birth chart close to those degrees of Aries and Libra, you can expect the unexpected at some point in the next few months around the matters ruled by that placement in your chart. Of course, there are a few out there — who insist that this is the last in a series of four Blood Moons coinciding with major holidays on the Jewish Calendar — that this eclipse is a harbinger of the Apocalypse. To which I can only say: “Yes. Absolutely. This is the End Of The World… just exactly the way the world ended the last time this happened in 1494 and 1950.”

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