Thursday 29 October 2015

Guess Which 4 Zodiac Signs Put Out the Fastest

Different signs move at different speeds, especially when it comes to getting as close as possible to another person. This article will look at the signs that are predisposed to have sex sooner, rather than later. Also, I’ll look at why this may be the case (the reasons are different for each sign). The descriptions apply to natal Sun, Moon, Venus or Mars in the signs, and the expression of the sign’s energy will vary according to the planet. The Sun is the expression of conscious will, the Moon represents primary needs, Venus is attraction/relating, and Mars is about taking action. The descriptions are valid for men and women; signs are not gender specific, even though specific pronouns are used for the sake of clarity. They also apply to gay or straight partners.


Motivation: impatience and courage

This Mars-ruled Cardinal sign is driven to initiate experiences. If Aries is into you, he’ll want to initiate ASAP. He’ll get the ball rolling even more quickly (if possible) when there’s a challenge. Aries’ attraction is instinctive, immediate and powerful. He wants you, so why wait? Concerns about appearing too eager don’t enter into the equation. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks, and considers playing it cool a waste of time. His deeper motivation is the instinctive, me-first expression of will. If there’s a new experience (you and your body) Aries wants to check it out. Sex is primal, passionate and as essential as breathing.


Motivation: curiosity

Curiosity may not sound like a sexy motivator, but this Mercury-ruled sign is interested in learning about everything. If she’s attracted to you, you’ll be at the top of her list (for a little while). As an Air sign, Gemini can be detached. As a Mutable sign, she’s flexible. Therefore, holding off on an interesting sexual opportunity doesn’t make sense to her. You’re there, she’s there, you’re both willing. Why not? Because of her natural curiosity, anything/anyone new is appealing. Gemini’s end game is to learn more about her desires, via her interactions with you.

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Motivation: making a connection

Libra can approach getting-to-know you sex in one of two ways. He’ll either flirt like crazy while holding back (if he’s focused on social rules), or he’ll dive right in. As a Venus-ruled sign, Libra’s primary motivation is to connect with you, one on one. Depending on the rest of his chart, and the intensity of the chemistry between you, accelerating the relationship may be his overriding desire. While he’s not as blunt as Aries, he’s still a Cardinal sign, so that impatience to initiate is present. Don’t underestimate his desire to form a bond, even if it’s temporary.


Motivation: true love or escapism

This sensitive, Neptune-ruled sign blends porous boundaries with Mutable flexibility. She may fall in love with the dream of what you represent. She may be trying to distract herself. She may not be entirely sure what she wants. Sex can be her way of connecting with her soulmate, or something she does because she’s detached from reality. It can mean everything or nothing to her. As sensitive as she is, Pisces is also somewhat detached, so the line between “everything and nothing” is not as set as you might think. When there’s this much ambiguity, it can be easy for her to float into a sexual encounter, sometimes more quickly than she’s comfortable with. If her boundaries are not firm, a pushy partner can “convince” Pisces to have sex.

Yes, this article makes generalizations. It’s not meant to be a set of rules or predictions, so the above may not apply to every Aries, Libra, Pisces or Gemini. Also, I left out a couple of signs that would seem to be prime candidates for this list. Sagittarius has a rep for being laid-back and adventurous. But a funny thing happens to Sag when he starts the relationship dance; his focus on higher-ideals, truth (his truth) and wisdom kicks in. He wants to take the righteous path, and first-date sex or one night stands don’t always appeal, especially if the situation clashes with his ethics. Aquarius is up for anything. Or is she? This is a Fixed sign, so as unconventional as she can be, she’s also enormously stubborn. For the most part, nothing happens quickly, and sex will not happen until she’s ready.

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