Thursday 22 October 2015

Uranus opp natal Sun/Pluto, Pluto square natal Sun

Hi all. I have been living with transit Uranus opposing my natal Sun/Pluto and transit Pluto squaring my natal Sun for awhile now. I can definitely feel the Pluto square power struggle affecting practically every aspect of my life. I now see almost every thing in power terms even when I approach friendships and close family ties. It’s getting kind of tiring and this Pluto transit is only starting and will contact my other personal planets in the future. My progressed Sun currently conjunct natal Uranus in Scorpio certainly adds fuel to fire.

The transit Uranus traveling through my 10th house and now reaching my 11th house also have been causing disruption in my career and my friendships. I now moved back to the location where I grew up as young adult and working from home, severing my ties with most of my old friends and living in a semi seclusive condition. I’m by nature a friendly and social person and friends have been a very important part of my life. But now I just don’t have the urge to reconnect with people and make new friends. Since both Pluto and Uranus travel so slowly I’m not expecting things will drastically change very soon. But I’m getting kind of impatient because being a hermit and seeing everyone as quasi enemy just isn’t not me. Is there any positive outlet that I can make use of to mitigate these concerns in the mean time?

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