Monday 11 May 2015

Love Horoscope for the Week of May 11

weeklyloveMars enters Gemini on Monday. This is generally a big improvement over Mars in Taurus, and you will probably find it easier to make headway with the things that need work, particularly if there is an intellectual requirement involved. Once Mars is blended with the perkiness of Gemini, it can be a little hard to settle it down. That may be particularly problematic this week as Mars is opposite Saturn in Sagittarius, with the exact aspect arriving towards the end of the week. When Mars and Saturn are at odds like this, there is rarely a winner. You (or someone around you) is likely to be feeling a lot of frustration, and the more gracefully you handle things the better it will be for everyone. Remember: if you start hearing the high-pitched squeal of something under pressure in your life, DON’T apply more pressure unless you’re prepared to clean up a mess afterwards. Try to get out of your tight spots as diplomatically as possible.

Being diplomatic requires communication, so now a word about Mercury retrograde. Technically that doesn’t happen until next week, but as Mercury slows down approaching that point, things can get a little problematic with your plans and communications. You cannot and should not hide under a rock for three weeks straight because Mercury is retrograde, but all else being equal, it would be best to get your new plans and ideas off to a start this week rather than next week.

Given all that, there’s still a lot of constructive things to work with this week. Don’t expect anything to get done on Wednesday, when the Moon is both Void of Course for most of the day, and is in Pisces. Bless those sensitive little Fishies, but a a Void Moon in Pisces is particularly useless when it comes to getting practical results. Permission to loaf for the day is officially granted.

The weekend dating scene looks fairly promising, with Venus in Cancer in a nice friendly trine to Neptune in Pisces, with the exact aspect happening on Saturday. The mood should be more romantic than usual. Saturday and Sunday the Moon is in Taurus, which will add to everyone’s pleasure- and affection-seeking behaviors.

Finally: Sunday brings us a New Moon in Taurus. It’s a good time to make plans for what you want out of your life in the month ahead, but since this New Moon involves a harmonious aspect to Pluto but a difficult square to Jupiter, it might mean that if you don’t plan out what you want from the Universe, the Universe might just go ahead and plan something for you. Yes, Taurus secretly loves the thought of someone else doing the work for it, but why let an opportunity like this slide?

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