Monday 25 May 2015

Scorpio and Cancer

I’ve been a big fan of astrological personality profiling for years. I first discovered it when I was a little girl and I discovered my grandmothers Linda Goodman books. I remember I read the love signs book all the way through… and my favorite coupling was Scorpio man and Cancer woman. It was a magical chapter. Looking back now as a 30 something Cancer female I feel like it was all a little over the top. Like predicting the future of Edward and Bella’s struggle in twilight.

I never met a Scorpio man that was interested in pursuing me. I tried many times to go out of my way to find one… But alas, something in my chart must have repelled them. Libra asc, Cancer sun, Gemini moon Cancer Venus, Scorpio mars.

I sometimes wonder what it would be like to find my Scorpio. Oh, well.

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