Sunday 17 May 2015

Love Horoscope for the Week of May 18

weeklyloveThis week’s forecast is a little bit like the classic philosophical question about what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object. Both the Sun and Mercury are in Gemini, which is a Sign that generally likes to keep it light and quick. Yet both the Sun and Mercury are facing their own unique challenges this week that, like it or not, will be forcing them to slow down and think things through more than they might usually like.

First of all, Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini on Monday. By now you’ve probably read all about the effects that Mercury retrograde can have on your life. The next three weeks will see a greatly increased chance of files going missing, messages going astray, rampant typos, and various means of conveyance breaking down and schedules falling apart. As always, my advice is to not panic. Double-check your work, pay attention to the details, and do something about that blinking “check engine” light on your dashboard and things ought to be fine. And of course, when things go wrong with those things in the next three weeks, go ahead and blame Mercury retrograde just like all your astrologer friends will.

The Sun enters Gemini on Thursday. Normally this would indicate that the pace of life would be picking up a little, but the Sun in Gemini faces a special challenge this time around: throughout the week and peaking on Friday, it is opposite Saturn in Sagittarius. Neither Gemini nor Sagittarius are particularly known for their patience. Both Signs will have to learn that this week, as a Sun-Saturn opposition can be a big drain on energy levels and ambitions.

Mars in Gemini was slowed down by the opposition to Saturn last week, and now it is floating relatively free and clear to express itself. Under frustrating circumstances like these, Mars in Gemini will often “express itself” by flipping off the wrong person at the wrong time. Be careful with that sort of thing, okay?

The good news is that all of these are fairly temporary transits happening throughout the week, and won’t blow anything up in your life on their own — unless of course something bigger than that is brewing within your own birth chart.

After all those frustrations, wouldn’t be nice to get out and blow off some steam on the weekend? Moon in Leo for Friday and Saturday will help tremendously with that, especially late Saturday evening when the Moon is conjunct Jupiter. Have fun with it and leave your cares behind, but make sure you clean up your mess before you leave work on Friday: if there is ever a time when not double-checking your work will catch up to you, it’s going to be during Mercury retrograde…

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