Sunday 6 September 2015

Love Horoscope for the Week of September 7

weeklyloveMany of the transits in recent weeks have added a lot of stress and strain to people’s relationships. Lots of people have had both large shocks and small ones recently… but I am here with good news. This week’s transits are pretty sweet!

This week: you and all your relationships of any strength or size are invited to an exclusive party hosted by the inner planets!

Mercury in Libra will lend you the chance to make your thoughts and actions sweeter and more diplomatic as it continues through Libra before the retrograde. Venus and Mars are both in Leo, not exactly conjunct but still in close contact. With this pair roughly sextile Mercury all week long, you should have ample opportunity to express all of your thoughts and desires to those around you. And whenever Venus and Mars are together in the same Sign, there are always plenty of desires. Hubba hubba.

The only warning sign during the week for your human relations is that Mercury in Libra will also be square Pluto. This particular aspect can bring harsh or impulsive words, often based on deep-seated resentments. Do your best to play into the Mercury in Libra side of this equation.

Some of the difficulties you may have experienced in the last few weeks might be because of the Jupiter-Saturn square. That aspect is still in effect but it is rapidly losing its strength as Jupiter picks up speed through Virgo.

Don’t be afraid to dream large dreams and float around in any pools of well-being and spirituality you may come across. Jupiter is approaching the opposition to Neptune and your sense of wonder with life could very well be amplified. Admittedly this aspect can make for unrealistic ambitions, but hopefully Jupiter in Virgo will retain enough common sense to make things work out in a practical manner. If not? Well, unless you’re doing something crazy like betting your life savings on one roll of the dice, being impractical can be an awful lot of fun sometimes. Since both Jupiter and Neptune are making positive aspects to Pluto this week as well, there’s a chance you might get carried away with the sense of spiritual and emotional over-exuberance.

The dating scene for the weekend brings all these aspects to an end with a bang. Get your mind out of the gutter when I say that… unless of course that’s where you want it to be. The moon passes through Leo and Virgo, and plays into all of the positive aspects mentioned above. Make of that what you will, have fun with it, and don’t forget to arrange for a designated driver.

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