Thursday 19 November 2015

How to Start Your Spiritual Awakening Today

Spiritual AwakeningThis is a sponsored post.

Every day, you have responsibilities you must attend to: Work projects need completing, loved ones need pampering, homes need cleaning, and more. Rarely is there a spare moment for you to appreciate the truth and beauty around you, and you go to sleep and wake up feeling haggard and stressed. What you need is a spiritual awakening.

Spiritual awakenings are rare events in our lives that cause us to re-evaluate reality and be grateful for life. No two spiritual awakenings are alike, but most result in a healthier mind, body, and spirit for years to come. If you want to put an end to your stress and lack of mindfulness, here is how to jumpstart your spiritual awakening today.

Hire a Spiritual Advisor

Due to the movement of the planets and the twinkling of the stars, no two people are ever born the same. Thus, it is impossible to provide one-size-fits-all advice for those looking to awaken their spirits. However, a spiritual advisor will be able to intimately understand your personality, ambitions, and power. With this deep, personal knowledge — as well as a profound ability to connect with the supernatural forces — your advisor can tailor his or her guidance to your lifestyle, sparking an awakening in the proper time and place.

Stop Worrying

An environment that is clouded by stress is not one that is conducive to a spiritual awakening. When all of your energy is spent worrying about worldly problems — your project’s looming due date, a recent fight with a loved one, etc. — your mind and spirit have little leftover fuel to parse out what is truly important in life. Instead, you should try to qualm your worried thoughts and let your awakening come to you.

Be Emotional

Western culture is not particularly conducive to the healthy release of emotion, but if you allow your heart chakra (anahata) to become stuck, your awakening will never come, and you will not be able to experience the world in a satisfying way. You should allow yourself to feel your emotions fully, no matter how tumultuous they may seem. In the end, they will lead to happiness and a sense of wholeness.

Try New Things

Spiritual AwakeningA spiritual awakening is a great leap into a more fulfilling stage of life, and usually, a person’s interests change dramatically afterwards. It is possible to prompt your spiritual awakening by exploring different activities that you may find more rewarding on a fundamental spiritual level. For example, you should try:

  • New foods. There are intense flavors and flavor combinations you’ve never before tasted.
  • New places. There is more to the world than the inside of your apartment — tall mountains and vast oceans you’ve never seen.
  • New people. Your current friends might not have the same spiritual desires as you, but there are people who mesh better with your future spiritual self.

Be Perceptive

Coincidences are all around us, but most people shrug them off as unimportant oddities. However, the coincidences in your live are actually intensely meaningful — if you would take a second to understand their significance. By becoming more mindful of your surroundings, you will begin to notice more and more coincidences, and following them, you may reach a new level of spiritual awakening. When you align your thoughts, emotions, and awareness with the universe, the universe will show you the right path.

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