Wednesday 11 November 2015

These Three Signs Are the Most Conservative on the First Date

Credit: Anetlanda via iStockphoto

Credit: Anetlanda via iStockphoto

A previous article looked at which signs were more likely to have sex sooner rather than later. On the other end of that spectrum, there are signs most likely to be conservative on the first date. This doesn’t just refer to sex. It also describes their overall first-date vibe: formal, hesitant or cautious. Let’s assume you’re on a date with one of these signs, and they genuinely want to get to know you better. They’re attracted/intrigued, but there’s an invisible barrier around them. This article explores which signs may hold back until they get to know you better, and why. As in the previous article, these descriptions apply to natal Sun, Moon, Venus or Mars in the signs. They are not limited to a specific gender or sexual orientation.


Motivation: caution

While this Venus-ruled sign is incredibly sensual, she’s Fixed Earth, which means she’s also incredibly cautious. Taurus has zero interest in deviating from her comfort zone, which involves basic routines and conservative habits. She knows what she wants, and she sticks with it. While she may be warm and quietly charming on the first date, you’ll get the sense that she’s holding back. That’s because she wants to be 100% certain that you’re right for her. This date is her evaluation phase. Her focus is on survival and comfort, and it will take her awhile to decide if she can be comfortable with you.

Taurus loves having sex. It’s a natural part of her physical expression, and she’s certainly not repressed or uptight. But she’s not going to rush into it. She moves at her own pace, which can seem glacial to outsiders. She sees no reason to hurry, especially if she’s not convinced that you and she will be compatible. Get ready to wait.


Motivation: perfection

Virgo wants to get everything just right, especially if he’s into you. He was probably planning this date weeks before, freaking himself out by imagining every possible negative scenario. This detail-driven sign looks at what could go wrong first, in an attempt to circumvent that possibility. You can see how this approach might result in a first date that’s less than relaxed. The more Virgo wants you, the more he’ll try to make everything perfect. This will increase his nervousness, as well as his hesitation to do anything that might be construed as inappropriate.

First date sex is doubtful, for the above reasons. But also, Virgo is shy. He doesn’t automatically assume that he’s a great lover, or that you’re attracted to him. He’s fully prepared for you to walk away as you discover x, y or z about him. It will take him a while to achieve a level of assurance where he accepts that you actually want him. But as the pickiest sign, it doesn’t take much to turn him off. The high standards that he applies to himself also apply to you. So part of the waiting period consists of his efforts to suss out your flaws.

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Motivation: control

This Saturn-ruled sign has a thing about authority. Her authority. While she is an Earth sign, and can be sensual once you get past the gates, Capricorn is all about boundaries, initially. She needs to be the boss, by controlling the pace of events. But there’s also fear. Her reserved vibe is rooted in her fear of being judged, which is ironic, since she can be quite judgemental herself. And, there is an even deeper fear of rejection, although that may not be immediately apparent. Capricorn’s first date mask will be cool and confident.

Sex is an area fraught with potential to lose control and authority. It’s no surprise that Capricorn will be in no rush to get that ball rolling. Nothing happens until she says so. But it can also take Capricorn a while to let down her guard and simply relax. Her fears of being vulnerable can be intense; you’ll have to prove that you’re trustworthy before she let’s you in.

You’ll notice the above are all Earth signs. While they are the most connected to their bodies, it’s also why there’s potential for holding back on the first date. There’s no Air-sign detachment, allowing them to step back and just see what happens. Unlike the Water signs, they are not as likely to get swept up in the flow of emotions. And they don’t have the “let’s go for it” lust of the Fire signs. Earth signs are right there with you, in the moment. They are acutely aware of what it means to share their physical body with another person. Whatever their motivation, they don’t allow access to just anyone. Having said this, keep in mind that these are not set rules. In the end, the blend of natal planets in different signs, and the aspects between those planets, will influence how quickly a person opens up.

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