Wednesday 6 July 2016

4 Reasons Why You Would Fall Hard for an Aquarius

We’re all unique snowflakes, but Aquarius is a bit more unique than the rest of us. This is the sign of the individual, so loving an Aquarian means something in you is drawn to the alternative. If you fall for this sign, you’ve fallen for someone who dances to their own tune and honors your special song as well.

1. The Rebel

The Aquarian cliché is the perverse, disruptive outsider. Some Aquarians are like this, but most go about their daily lives just like the rest of us. There will be one or two specific areas where Aquarius insists on doing things her way, and it won’t look like what anyone else does.

It’s thrilling to find someone who blazes her own trail. She doesn’t care what convention dictates. She’s not acting — she really, truly doesn’t care what others say she “should” do. It could be the way she dresses, the cause she supports, or her approach to relationships. She’s not swayed by prevailing trends, but she has a knack for making uncool cool again, because she embraces it wholeheartedly. You’re welcome to join her, or not. She won’t change for you, and she may just open your eyes to a side of life you never knew about. You’ve discovered a rare gem who is truly unique and self-contained. She puts her own spin on sexy.

2. The Loyalist

For someone so insistent on doing things his way, Aquarius can be incredibly loyal. If you accept him for who he is, and don’t try to file off his angles, you’ve found a lover and friend for life. Mixed with his stubborn quirkiness, this can be a disarming combination. He’s a freak, but he’s your freak. He’ll stick with you through almost anything. This also means he accepts your “flaws” and whatever else you feel embarrassed about. If he’s into you, he’ll be into the whole package. He won’t insist that you improve yourself (but it’s ok if you do). Just be you, and Aquarius will love you. Sometimes, the very thing that others have told you is too crazy/too angry/too fat/too blue/too whatever is precisely what draws Aquarius to you.

3. Room to Be

A big reason for Aquarius’ above-noted acceptance is her detachment. She loves and hurts and laughs just as deeply as anyone, but part of her is an objective observer. She doesn’t get too riled up about much of anything (unless a loved one is threatened) which means she rises above petty squabbles and day-to-day irritants. There are many things she simply will not invest emotional energy in. Don’t take this the wrong way — she’s not devoid of feelings. But she has a clear view of the bigger picture.

This attitude extends to the bedroom. The range of experimentation she’s open to will depend on her chart. But she’ll at least be curious about trying something new. If it works out, great: here’s something to spice up your sex life. If the experiment goes awry, no big deal. She’s not going to dwell on how it failed and worry about the future consequences for the relationship. She’s already moved on.

Aquarius will not take it personally if you have bad day, or if you want time to yourself. Mainly because she must have time to herself. Being in a relationship with Aquarius means two individuals together, not two people becoming one. You can have a life with her, and fully develop your own interests. You can go off on your own and do your thing, knowing that she’ll be there when you get back. Not waiting for you, of course. Because she’s doing her thing. But the connection between you can stretch an incredible distance without being severed. It’s a heady mix of freedom and security.

4. Aquarius/Uranus in Your Chart

Falling for an Aquarian means that something in your chart is urging you to explore the fringe. Maybe you need more freedom yourself, or there’s a desire to break out of old/limiting patterns. If you have the following natal aspects, you’re more likely to be receptive to Aquarius’ unique charms:

Aquarius on the 7th House cusp, Uranus conjunct the 7th House cusp, 7th House ruler in hard aspect to Uranus: your ideal relationship, and the projected qualities you admire, are designed to shake you up. The partner who opens your eyes and prevents you from getting too comfortable is exciting and irresistible.

Venus or Mars in the 11th House, or in hard aspect to Uranus: the way you relate to others (Venus) and your sexual expression (Mars) is quite open. This doesn’t mean anything goes, but you’re impatient with social rules. You want the freedom to interact with a variety of people, and you may also get a kick out of shocking people (more likely with hard Uranus aspects). Someone who stands apart from the crowd is going to draw you in.

Related: The Detached Lover: Aspects Between The Moon and Uranus in the Natal Chart

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