Wednesday 13 July 2016

Will my friend and I reconcile?

Hi guys,

I have a question about my friend whom I told off a few days ago. I usually ask about love horaries, so this one is new and would love some help with it please. I’ve known her for a year now and there are also 2 more girlfriends in our group, so we’re all very close friends. This particular one has a ‘personality’ of her own, but she also has her good sides, so I’m not putting her down, because the positives outweigh the negatives. For a few times now, I’ve noticed that she is trying to put me down.

Some of the things she does is to try to say something good about her life as in to show me that she’s also in a better shape as I am. What I mean is that she knows that my house has been paid off, so once she told me “you know, if we sell our home too, we can buy a paid off home just from the equity…” and sh*t like this by constantly trying to show that she can also get to the point of where I am in various ways even though he is not there so to speak. I currently don’t work, but I do enjoy relatively a comfortable life regardless of work, but the unemployment is a temporary one for me although it has prolonged for a while and I need to get back on the wagon so to speak. She got a job as an admin assistant at some accounting firm recently and she also didn’t work for a year prior to that and now she has been bragging how she’s going to pursue accounting degree in the future to become an accountant and make a partner later on in the future at an accounting firm. Mind you that this is a tough road to take, yet she makes it sound like it’s a matter of snapping a finger for her. Last year she was planning to get her MBA, but never even pursued it and now she’s becoming an accountant and a partner at a firm. I see this as a blah blah blah in her…as if to show that she is going to reach the top trying to make it seem to everyone around like everything is going to be great with her.

So after she bragged about her plans, she turns to us all and tells me specifically “I can take you in as a receptionist when I own my accounting firm.” I must add that we both have bachelor degrees…me double majors from a top university although hers is a good school too, but hers is a Cal State system while mine is a UC system and UCs are all ranked higher. The point I am trying to make is that I am equally educated (with more majors) than she is, yet she is going to do me a ‘favor’ by taking me in as a receptionist when she makes a partner at an accounting firm not even having any accounting degrees :))) So later the next day she wrote in our FB group messaging how she is excited about moving between homes now. Her family lived in one place they have a mortgage on, but they were building a new 4-bdr home on another mortgage too, so she shared her exciting news and so did I, because at the same day I was moving back into my own renovated home as I had a flooding and moved out of my home for 2 months until ti finally and nicely was renovated. So when she mentioned about her news, I asked her which street she moved to now? That’s the only comment I made besides sharing my own exciting news about moving back to my own place and how nice my home now looks compared to before, so she replied to em saying “A little correction…while you are moving into an old house that’s simply been renovated, I am moving into a brand new house that has been newly built from roof to the ground lol.” So I read this comment and I am like wow, did she just po*p in my own shared news or what since what does it matter that I am moving to my old house and her to a brand new built home if we are talking about completely different thing….that being our move to a new homes regardless whether it’s renovated or brand new. So I replied to her saying “omg u need to chill, it’s not a competition and what does it even matter who is moving to an old or new home if we are talking about completely different things…about our timing together and excitement about moving into newly renovated homes.” So she got angry at me for confronting her in front of our other friends in that chat so then she replied to me saying “No, you need to relax more, I was just saying that u are only moving to an old place while mine was brand new.” Then after seeing that I’m going off on her (having enough of her bs), she says to me “im done with this conversation” and leaves our group chat.

She stirred things up with her stupid and unnecessary comment trying to put me down, then throws a temper tantrum and walks away from a conversation. It’s like if you are going to be rude at least don’t be mad if someone retaliates. My question is whether we will reconcile or not because we had a nice group regardless of her stupid tantrums against me as I now see it as if she’s insecure towards me, so maybe she’s jealous of certain things and can’t contain herself lol, hence her attempts to marginalize me. I’m more worried for the group than losing her specifically. I am Jupiter in detriment in my 7th house of enemies? She, as a friend, is Saturn rx (changed mind about something…maybe her behavior?) There’s a separating square between us, which shows the argument we had? Mars deters Moon and Saturn from connecting so that hinders a reconciliation? Should the communication houses for both be taken account in this case or just the significators? If so, could you help me determine if there’s going to be communication? Sorry for the long background, but I wanted to be clear about what had happened and I would be grateful for comment regarding the chart. I suppose I should not have gone down to her low level by commenting, but it wasn’t the first time as I mentioned, so for me it was like ‘wtf is your issue towards me’ so I wanted to put her in her place.

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